'Ερευνα & Πράξη

Τρίτη 5 Ιουλίου 2016


Earlier this year, Canadian animator Jean Francois Painchaud was just like you or me; working for a PBS kids show during the day, and making sexually explicit GIFs on mushrooms by night. Little did he know his evening activities would catapult him into a world of internet infamy ...
For few years, he'd been posting his erotic art on social networks under the alias Phazed, but it wasn't going anywhere ... until one fateful day when Facebook decided to ban several of his illustrations at once (sex is shameful and psychedelics = Satan). Immediately following his exile, his social media accounts were flooded with 50,000 new followers who flocked to see his very NSFW psychedelic sex GIFs, the likes of which have captured our attention here today.
People love sex and psychedelics, did you know that?
For Painchaud, the connection between the two is this: "Both psychedelics and sex can help you transcend your ego and tap into a purer state of being – of living in the moment," he said. "Mushrooms didn’t only help my art develop; they changed my entire life. Using mushrooms helped me overcome my depression, my insecurities and my anxiety."
Each GIF perfectly captures the hazy euphoria of hallucinatory sex, and we'll be damned if we didn't just start a group text with our booty call and our drug dealer because of it.
Check out some of his sexiest, most flashback inducing GIFs below:
- See more at: http://www.therooster.com/blog/jean-francois-painchaud-perfects-intersection-sex-and-psychedelics-these-nsfw-gifs#sthash.6jusYrnn.dpuf

πηγή  http://www.therooster.com/