'Ερευνα & Πράξη

Τετάρτη 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

5 Yoga Poses for Knee Pain &

10 Strains for Meditation and Yoga

Knee pain can basically ruin your life if it gets bad enough. It can be so debilitating that even standing up in the mornings can be a struggle.
That would be an extreme case, but if you don’t do something about your knee issues, you will probably become an extreme case before too long.
Knee pain can happen for a variety of reasons, lifestyle and age being big factors, but most of these cases can be dealt with by regular yoga practice.
Here’s five poses that will help relieve your knee pain.

1.    Warrior 2

You’ll find this one is a favourite among people who practice yoga and is one of the poses that anyone who learns about basic yoga will pick up very early.
It’s a safe pose for anyone whose knees are giving them trouble and it will help you to strengthen and stabilize the knee.
It will be tricky enough at first but after a little while you will become a natural at this pose. Stand with your legs spread and then turn your right foot so your toes are pointing away from you.
Turn your left foot inwards slightly and then bend your right knee until it is directly above your right ankle. Hold out both of your arms too and make sure your knee doesn’t track back inwards.
You will feel this in your knees and it will help your quads too. Stand like this for a few breaths and then do the same with your left leg.

2.    Horse Pose

In addition to being good for your knees, this will also be good for your quads, your hamstrings and your core.
Start with your legs spread apart, similar to Warrior 2. Then turn both of your feet out at a 45-degree angle. Engage your abs.
You can bring your palms together if that will help but it’s not essential. Then breathe as you bend your legs and bring your hips down.
Imagine you’re sitting into a chair, for lack of a better analogy. Keep your chest raised and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold for a few breaths.

3.    Tree Pose

This pose is all about balance and it will help ensure that the muscles surrounding your knee are well stabilized.
Start by standing straight up with your feet together. Bring your palms together in front of your chest and engage your abs.
Shift your weight onto your left foot and then raise your right foot off the mat and place it on the inside of your left calf. Eventually you can do this and place your foot higher.
Try and hold this for a total of eight breaths. Or just as many as you’re capable of at first. Then go ahead and switch sides
If it hurts your knees too much to begin with, try this pose again after you’ve worked on your knees with other poses for a while.

4.    Hero’s Pose

If you’ve got sore knees, this is probably going to hurt an awful lot at first, but in the long-run it is actually an incredible pain reliever.
Start in a kneeling position and then pull your calves out so that you can lower your hips enough to sit between your legs.
Straighten your back and stretch your head towards the ceiling, try to do this without letting your ribs protrude too much. But do pull in your stomach as much as possible.
Hold onto this for at least five to eight breaths. As we said, it will definitely be tough to start with but you will feel the benefit in your knees before too long.

5.    Happy Baby

A tricky pose and I wouldn’t recommend trying this one until you’ve already worked hard on you

10 Strains for Meditation and Yoga

The following strains may be a good place to start if you are considering incorporating cannabis into your yoga practice.
ACDC—Unlike most strains on the market, this strain has very little THC but an unusually high amount of CBD.  CBD is the cannabinoid attributed with the lion’s share of cannabis’ medicinal qualities. ACDC increases focus while providing users with a sense of euphoric peace.
Blue Dream—This hybrid is physically relaxing but mentally stimulating, making it ideal for meditation and winding down.  If you’re worried that you’re prone to anxiety and paranoia, this may be a good option for you.
Girl Scout Cookies—This indica dominant strain soothes the body and improves the mood. A euphoric and relaxing high may be enhanced when paired with yoga. At the same time, if the body high is too intense, it might be difficult to sustain a physical posture.
Grand Daddy Purple—A deeply loved indica, this beautiful purple provides a powerful but deeply relaxing high. It may be too potent for the novice smoker, but some users state that, despite its power, granddaddy purple didn’t leave them couch locked but social and at ease.
Hindu Kush—This 100% indica is a landrace strain known for its intense body high and sedating effect. Some users report an increased ability to focus… that is until they pass out.
If you’re practicing yoga right before bed, this may be the strain to pair it with
Jack the Ripper—The strain’s name is kind of terrifying, but don’t let that stop you from consuming it before your yoga exercise. The sativa has a very mild body high but offers an energizing sense of euphoria, making it ideal before any exercise.
Lamb’s Bread—Reportedly Bob Marley’s favorite strain, this sativa is known for providing a high that enhances mindfulness without slowing the body down. It’s cerebral high and anxiety relieving qualities make it a favorite among yogis.
Laughing Buddha—As its name suggests, this 100% sativa is known for giving consumers a giddy high accompanied by an increased ability to focus. It’s also a good choice for anyonstrains for yoga, cannabis strains for yogae prone to anxiety or panic attacks, making it a good choice for a novice.
Lavender—A classic indica, this strain is relaxing and great for meditation. Its introspective effect helps users bring their attention inward, an excellent way to enhance a yoga session. Lavender is also known as a sleep aid, so it may be too much of a sedative for beginning users or a good option if you’re exercising before bed.
Northern Lights—A beloved indica, this strain offers a powerful high that can lead to couchlock or a deep sense of relaxation and peace.r knees and they’ve strengthened up and stabilized a bit.
Lie down on your back and then bend your knees and pull them close to your chest. Grab hold of the outer edges of your feet if you can. If not then just hold onto your thighs.
Engage your abs and then press your back into the floor. Pull your legs down until your can feel the strain in your groin.
You won’t be able to hold this for very long at first but once you’re knees have strengthened this will start to come more naturally.


So what most of these poses will do is help you increase the flexibility and stability of your knees.
Some people debate whether or not pilates would be a better choice for knee pain, and that has its advantages too.
But overall, if your intention is to relief the pain and ensure that you can keep further suffering at bay, these yoga poses should do the trick.

Δευτέρα 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2019


Είναι σπουδαιότερης σημασίας από τη σωματική διότι οι ψυχοτοξίνες εκ των αρνητικών συναισθημάτων είναι δεκάδες φορές πιο ζημιογόνες από αυτές που εισέρχονται στο σώμα μας εκ του περιβάλλοντος.
Οι ψυχοτοξίνες είναι πάντα ενδογενείς και σχηματίζονται ως απόκριση σε ερεθίσματα-σκουπίδια όπως τηλεοπτικές εκπομπές ανάλογου σκουπιδο-περιεχομένου, το ατελείωτο σερφάρισμα στο ίντερνετ, τα δελτία ειδήσεων, οι πιο πολλές εφημερίδες κλπ
Ψυχοτοξίνες επίσης δημιουργούνται μέσα μας όταν έχουμε στον κοινωνικό μας περίγυρο ανθρώπους τοξικούς οι οποίοι μας μεταχειρίζονται.
Οι ψυχοτοξίνες είναι τόσο ισχυρές που μπορεί στην κυριολεξία να σκοτώσουν. Πολλοί ερευνητές υποστηρίζουν ότι η «εκτύπωση» των ψυχοτοξίνων στο σωματικό επίπεδο δίνει όλες τις χρόνιες ψυχοσωματικές διαταραχές.
Οι ψυχοτοξίνες αδυνατίζουν την αύρα μας και δημιουργούν «τρύπες» στο ενεργειακό μας πεδίο δια των οποίων μπορεί να εισέλθει ο,οτιδήποτε.
Μερικώς το σώμα μπορεί να αμυνθεί αν έχει άριστο βιοχημικό υπόβαθρο (ενυδάτωση, αφθονία μικροστοιχείων, αλκαλικό ένδο και έξω κυτταρικό περιβάλλον, καθαρό έντερο και λέμφο κλπ). Όμως όταν οι ψυχοτοξίνες παράγονται συνεχώς μέσα μας τότε ακόμα και αυτοί οι πανίσχυροι αμυντικοί μηχανισμοί χαλάνε.
Άρα η πνευματική αποτοξίνωση και η σωματική πρέπει να γίνονται μαζί και να συμπληρώνει η μία την άλλη για βέλτιστη ψυχοσωματική υγεία.
Η 4aces πάντοτε στα αποτοξινωτικά της προγράμματα έχει και την σωματική και την πνευματική αποτοξίνωση.


Silene capensis is a wild root found in the far reaches of South Africa. It can act as an excellent sleep aid, allowing you to wake up refreshed and energized. For some, it will induce vivid and lucid dreams.


Originating from the Eastern Cape of South Africa, silene capensis has long been used by the indigenous Xhosa tribe during spiritual, shamanistic rituals. It is also commonly known in the West as Gunpowder Plant, Wild Tobacco and African Dream Root.
Traditionally, the root is reputed to induce vivid and sometimes lucid dreams that are remembered upon waking. This is why it is considered a sacred herb by the Xhosa people, and is widely used by shamans to guide their people. However, inducing lucid dreaming is a secondary effect, and only a selected few are said to be given this experience.


The main effect that everyone taking silene capensis will receive is an improved quality of sleep. Those who take this regularly will find they wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. It can also have you waking up earlier, only needing 6 hours sleep to fully rejuvenate – 6 hours is seen as the healthiest amount of time to sleep by general scientific consensus.
Silene capensis can induce vivid and much more memorable dreams when used; but this is much rarer and will only effect some people. It can also induce a stimulating effect in some users, giving them even extra energy upon waking – but this is anecdotal.


Traditionally, the dried root of silene capensis was pulverized into water to create a white foam. This foam was then ingested before sleeping. Because this has always historically been the way silene capensis has been consumed, most places across the internet will recommend you do the same. We have found that the best way to take it is to grind it into a powder and place it in capsules for direct consumption. This is a much more efficient way of administering and absorbing the dose.
When creating tablets, it‘s best to consume 500mg – 3g a day, during the course of a few days. It has been reported that it might take a few days for effects to be felt.
It is also worth noting that when taking silene capensis for the first time, you will want to start at 500mg, or possibly even less, until you have gotten used to it. Also, the effects don’t necessarily increase with higher dosages, for this reason, the most standard dose tends to be 1g of powder.


The active ingredient of silene capensis is thought to be triterpenoid saponins. These not only effect the sleep, but are also known to be a viral inhibitor, an antioxidant and reduce cholesterol.
The exact chemical composition of silene capensis is still under investigation and very little research has done into its active ingredients.


There are no known or reported side effects or fatalities from the use of silene capensis. As with herb though, if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, it is worth checking with a doctor first before use. We accept no responsibility.
Silene capensis is not known to us to be illegal anywhere in the world. Still, it is your responsibility to double check.